the 4th District of Tennessee

Congressman DesJarlais has a proven track record of fighting for policies that will enforce fiscal discipline in Washington, strengthen our nation’s economy, and end the flow of illegal immigration.














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2 days ago

Scott DesJarlais

Happy Presidents’ Day! Today, we recognize the leaders who have shaped our nation. This year feels especially significant as President Donald J. Trump works to strengthen our economy, bring accountability to government, and restore America’s standing on the world stage.

From securing our borders to cutting wasteful spending, his focus remains on putting the American people first. No matter where you stand politically, today is about honoring the presidency and the vision for a stronger, more prosperous future for all. Happy Presidents’ Day to all!
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Happy Presidents’ Day! Today, we recognize the leaders who have shaped our nation. This year feels especially significant as President Donald J. Trump works to strengthen our economy, bring accountability to government, and restore America’s standing on the world stage.

From securing our borders to cutting wasteful spending, his focus remains on putting the American people first. No matter where you stand politically, today is about honoring the presidency and the vision for a stronger, more prosperous future for all. Happy Presidents’ Day to all!

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Do you actually believe anything you say

Happy President's Day!

Loving it! Best president of our generation! HAPPY PRESIDENTS DAY Donald J. Trump

Happy presidents day to our country's most beloved leader ❤️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Happy Presidents day #47 Donald J. Trump the best one ever! Thanking God for you! <3

Ive always said our government needs a big reform, I’m hoping Trump is the president that can clean up the corruption & downsize our government 🙏🙏🙏

Thank God for President Donald J. Trump🇺🇸❤️

We are celebrating!


He has conned a whole country! Expose HIS FRAUD!

Thank you for being the President of the people. I am grateful and pray you will accomplish much with the Lords hand on your shoulder! Happy Presidents Day


Odd lighting choice. Very comic book.

Happy birthday to all the president's that didn't participate in a treasonous act, or that was found guilty on 34 felony counts or found liable for sexual abuse.

Happy president's day to my president!

He needs to go away! He’s a traitor to our country! Happy Felons day!

Scott DesJarlais you do realize that the purpose of Presidents’ Day is to celebrate George Washington‘s birthday? Good Lord. How can you not know this and be a member of Congress for so many years… Well, you didn’t show for the rollcall hardly ever in the beginning, so maybe… your head is really not with the country as much as the position? 

Thank you for the great work you are doing! We are praying for you.

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1 week ago

Scott DesJarlais

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again—political violence is never the answer.

It undermines democracy, fuels division, and doesn’t stop at threats. During his sermon, Pastor Caudle compared his call for violence to biblical teachings. This is not just dangerous—it’s incitement. The same network of black pastors who sparked the George Floyd riots are now calling for violent resistance against President Trump, Elon Musk, and the DOGE team. You can watch it here:

What’s so threatening about Musk working to reduce government waste and inefficiency through DOGE? Why is the truth so dangerous?

Democrats have weaponized fear to the point where we can’t do our jobs safely. Once violence becomes a political tool, it’s nearly impossible to contain.

I hope my colleagues will join me in condemning this coordinated, dangerous rhetoric.
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I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again—political violence is never the answer.

It undermines democracy, fuels division, and doesn’t stop at threats. During his sermon, Pastor Caudle compared his call for violence to biblical teachings. This is not just dangerous—it’s incitement. The same network of black pastors who sparked the George Floyd riots are now calling for violent resistance against President Trump, Elon Musk, and the DOGE team. You can watch it here:

What’s so threatening about Musk working to reduce government waste and inefficiency through DOGE? Why is the truth so dangerous?

Democrats have weaponized fear to the point where we can’t do our jobs safely. Once violence becomes a political tool, it’s nearly impossible to contain.

I hope my colleagues will join me in condemning this coordinated, dangerous rhetoric.

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Dems have only gotten their supremacy by being the loudest and most violent. Let's lock 'em up this time!

When elective officials get in front of the world and scream F… the President of the United States, it’s gone to far.

Trump shredding the US Constitution and ignoring the decisions of federal judges, is undermining our rule of law. There is no "Trump law" in the United States.

We have a DOJ now that will enforce the law. Violent protesters are in for a big surprise…. their defense slush funds have just dried up. Thank you Elon and Trump!

Shameful pastor needs prayer

I think you meant Constitutional Republic

Why do you not allow photos? That’s not transparent Scott!

The preacher is a wanabe Rev (term used closely) All Sharpton. All mouth.

Not pastors... FALSE Shepherds ☹️

Scott DesJarlais Elon Musk does not have the necessary, security clearance, neither do his workers, to be accessing data that is so incredibly sensitive. It would be a data breach on an unknown scale if someone from China or elsewhere had done it… We are opening ourselves up to a lot of danger. but nobody is listening or doing anything about it.  I know that you are not allowed to access some information because of your level of security clearance, but you at least have one, congressman. But they would never allow you to just randomly access certain systems – – as Elon Musk is being allowed. 

Are they ever not whining?

Didn't stop you from supporting the J6 seditionists

Bad take. We only got here because politicians like you insulated themselves from the real world. While decrying violence, you make laws that are enforced with the threat of violence

Following in the most ungodly footsteps of Al Sharpton!

He can call himself whatever he wants to, but no man of God would call for violence just because they disagree with a leader. Scripture commands that we pray for those in authority, and that God has ordained all of those in leadership. Romans 13:1-7 CSB Let everyone submit to the governing authorities, since there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are instituted by God. [2] So then, the one who resists the authority is opposing God's command, and those who oppose it will bring judgment on themselves. [3] For rulers are not a terror to good conduct, but to bad. Do you want to be unafraid of the one in authority? Do what is good, and you will have its approval. [4] For it is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, because it does not carry the sword for no reason. For it is God's servant, an avenger that brings wrath on the one who does wrong. [5] Therefore, you must submit, not only because of wrath but also because of your conscience. [6] And for this reason you pay taxes, since the authorities are God's servants, continually attending to these tasks. [7] Pay your obligations to everyone: taxes to those you owe taxes, tolls to those you owe tolls, respect to those you owe respect, and honor to those you owe honor.

Maybe he needs looking into by FBI

Religious insurrection

What a disgrace , what a hate monger

Cultural Marxism is real and exhibits itself in those of Biblical ignorance. LOL 😆

Save your pearl clutching phony outrage for somewhere else.

He will be judged by God in due time, he needs prayers for his soul!

You mean like the insurrection on January 6th?

Wonder how much government money he is getting.

Hmmmm….what is the definition of terrorism?? Violence or the threats of violence in the advancement of political, ideological, or religious agendas. Calling for active violence or violent resistance against political opponents IS terrorism and should not be tolerated. It is no longer “free speech” or a form of protest. Department of Homeland Security should look into anyone calling for violence. #ifyouseesomethingsaysomething

Not a bit surprised coming from Chattanooga. This city does absolutely nothing for its legally born citizens. And they won't do anything to him for pushing hatred/violence. Doge Needs to come to Chattanooga and audit the waste within the Chattanooga government. And, If anyone's looking to buy a house here? I have 2 I'm selling. I want the hell out out of the City/State where i was born nearly 70 years ago.

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